Blast off!

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Blast off!

But he shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.
Acts 28:5

You might remember this scene from the matrix when Neo defies logic and sends a multitude of invaders flying off from attack. It reminds me of a time when I was at the bottom of a football pile and all the weight above was bearing down on my wrist I knew in a split second if I didn’t react with force I would suffer a break, immediately like Neo I was able to defy the challenge and blast off. Maybe you are up against insurmountable odds and you feel the crushing weight of massive circumstances. Then I’m glad you are reading this. I have a spark of hope for you! YOU MUST RESPOND! Don’t be crushed. YOU MUST REACT WITH FAITH!
Even the holiest of men get tested.
The word of the Lord for you now is go into your prayer closet shut the door behind you. Leave it all on the other side of the door. Get on your knees. Go into the presence of God through the blood covenant of Jesus, take with you an offering of praise and worship. There is no time limit in this place. Just be alone with God. SSSSHHHH! Be quiet, wait, be still, He is there, There you will find the power to BLAST OFF!
Make this a habit

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