In 2018 the Lord began to speak to me about what He wanted to do in the Golden State.

Simple impressions and visions began to descend into my understanding over the course of the year. I saw a massive atmospheric river coming from the Throne of God and the Lamb. This living water was aimed directly at,  you guessed, it the poppy state.

I saw in a vision the head of the church getting dressed with armor and ranks of war angels standing in attention behind Him on a cloud. Jesus looked at me, smiled  and said “I’m coming to California”

 My Holy Spirit-inspired prayers and intercessions for the last two years on this subject have been centered around bringing a whole state to repentance and reformation. The lack of consecration in the church has even put her in the cross hairs of His  fiery judgement!

On December 12th 2019 the Lord began to give me dates and places that I was to GO and teach, preach and demonstrate the Gospel.

January 10th Calexico

February 1st Calipatria

March 23rd Sacramento

More to come 🙂