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To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are tainted, stained, and unbelieving, nothing is pure because their minds and their consciences are polluted.
Titus 1:15

I stood on another World looking face to face with Jesus.
Off in the distance I could see other planets and the sun. I had a short conversation with the Prince of Peace of which I will write about later. I just want you to know now of the way He made me feel.
Loved, joyous, peaceful, awake, complete, perfect, no remembrance of sin or wrong doing, righteous, holy, comfortable, aware, honored, alive, satisfied, strong, pure. I knew Him, was in Him, He knew me, and was in me.
This list is incomplete the experience was and is indescribable.
I was sent back to the little blue planet I could see off in the distance it was 1999 the people in the prayer group around me had to help pick me up off the floor of that little church building.
You only get so much time to walk the earth, you came in to this life naked and naked you go.
What this means is when you were born you were just as He made you and when you go to see Him you will be the same.
Just like the soles of your shoes pick up dirt as you walk, so do we pick up bad habits (Sin) as we spend time down here on earth. The impurities of this life need to be dealt with in order to have a fresh vision of God.
Anger, lust, greed, pride, selfishness, jealousy, drunkenness, sexual immorality, contention, division, idolatry, unbelief, doubt, unforgiveness,
This list is also incomplete as sin is as deep as hell.
These impurities are your enemies!
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Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Mathew 5:8

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